Wednesday, April 2, 2008


jon and diana.  based on a sunday morning.... i don't know whose sunday but we can pretend life is this nice. thanks dudes, you are honestly my favorite people on the planet.


Meg Ruth said...

Your puppy is getting SO big!

I miss you

Susie said...

I think you are an amazing artist Jessica. Love these pictures of Diana and Jon. In fact I VERY much like all the pictures on your blog

Breanne King said...

How are these people so beautiful...

Amy said...

I must say its strange to see them in that element. Almost invading, and maybe because I know them prior to the pictures...and it looks like these would be in a magazine with an article about enhancing your relationship...and its real yet not real, so I have very mixed emotions, like I have a peak whole into their bedroom...You are an amazing photographer I always love looking at your pictures, and I envy your talent.

LeeRae said...

Jess you are amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

I love these images, Jess. Gorgeous.

Kevin Tame said...

You should work for a stock photography company...These photo look like they could be in a magazine...I'm sure people would want to buy tons of your photos.

CHUNTZ said...

Love the pics like always! Word on the streets is youre in NYC?