Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The other evening I said with all sincerity to Claire that I was done being a photographer. She said what else do you want to do, all these things came to mind and the list is a long one. Why did God make our lives so short when there are so many amazing things to be doing with ones life?
Well, I fell in love once again with the art (yes, I said art) of photography. These images above are unfortunately not mine but they are beautiful and inspiring, quiet and deep, alive and still.
I am happy to say that I have been offered an amazing opportunity to work with a fresh company and I am excited to create.

PS Maxie is doing well, he shook a bit last night but has been fine since then. Thanks for the love and concern.. I really appreciate it.



emily jeanne said...

I am so happy that you are doing well! Who are you working for now? how is life? I hope max is ok! love you.

Diana and Jon said...

Jess that is so awesome!!!

jendar said...

so where will you be working? oh, and please dont stop taking pictures. you are sooo talented and i would be so sad if you stopped using the great talent you have been give. xo