Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pony Express and the figure 8

Wednesday morning mom and I went on a little adventure.  

We drove to LA but decided to take the scenic route since we have both driven the I-15 more times than one could count.  We drove the Pony Express.  At first it was amazing, we kept running into beautiful wildlife, crossing gorgeous desert landscapes and stopping at historic landmarks.  But soon enough roads would offer forks with no markings and we would be left to guess the proper way to continue on.  Needless to say it took us 8 hours to travel land that should have only taken about 4.  Luckily I napped while mom drove and mom enjoyed every second of the zigzag, loopty loop, figure 8 shaped road.  

Crazy eye pony
This one was my favorite, I wanted to take him home with me

If you look close at this one you can see one of the horses biting the butt of another horse 

We spent the night in some tiny, town in NV, we had many choices of fine places to stay.  It was pretty difficult to pass this one up... Especially when they need to advertise a clean mini breakfast.

Death Valley CA.  Inside Scotty's Castle.

The only place to eat for miles.  Pickle in a bag, Doritos and a Diet Coke for me.  


Ashley Thalman said...

New ways = cool new perspectives.

Kelly E. said...

Why didn't I go to DeathValley?

Above the City said...

Great pictures!