Still in DC. To my surprise me are staying right next to a Potbelly! Oh the joy, I love this place and their amazing toasted subs (it is so sad how much I adore food). So, we ate lunch at Potbelly's and it was so delightful I am still smiling.

We wanted to do some museums in the city and for some reason the Spy Museum sounded the coolest so we went and to our surprise it wasn't as fantastic as we thought. I guess I was expect to see some g0-go-gadget arms or something but it was we were bombarded with an insane amount of information that didn't hit our curious spots... Don't get me wrong, it had it's interesting moments, I just wanted more of it.

Claire outside the museum.

I want this key chain camera

and this camera watch

and this mini camera that takes pictures of documents of tiny sized film

But I really want this concealment ring

I will pass on the rectal spy kit though... (Yikes!)

I loved this though... Pigeon Spies! How cool is this!
This was my favorite part of the museum, seeing the photographs that the pigeons took

Ah, so amazing, you can see the birds' wings in the frame, it's so beautiful and the Pigeon has no clue what he did!

We watched old propaganda films for the public to watch and be reminded to keep their mouths shut with any sort of information.

Here is Claire in a chair (I forgot to mention, Claire hurt her foot the other night while running through Central Park, it's been a bummer having her in so much pain, say prayers she gets better soon).

Photograph of spies that have been caught

Propaganda posters (I thought this one looked like Darth Vadar SP?)

Gotta love this one... "She's not so dumb"
Well, after blogging about all of that I have realized I enjoyed the Spy Museum more than I thought.
We met up with Victor and his cousin on the city for dinner, I am still in shock over the cleanliness of DC, it's so beautiful, I think if I dropped candy on the ground here I would pick it up and maybe it eat... maybe?

The subway, Pretty cool.

At the apartment, Claire examines her purchases.
Once again, a fantastic day... Oh yeah, another good thing happened to me, while in line to buy ice-cream I was thinking to myself, "dang, this little scoop is not worth 6 bucks" and walla! the man in front of me gives me a coupon for ice-cream... 2 dollars off! How great is that?
your blog is really cute!
I just love your photos. the lighting and editing in them is so great
i love potbelly's. their cookies are delicious too
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