Monday, August 30, 2010


I am on my way to Africa...
I made a 3 day stop in New York to see my brother and enjoy the city before heading out and I leave in the afternoon.
I am not going to lie, this trip has been a lot of hassle, it is bad timing with moving houses again, poopy work schedules and re-buying a very expensive camera. For a minute there I thought to myself that this can't be worth it but the other night while packing I skimmed through a sketchbook/journal and I had it written three times in that one book that I wanted to go to Africa before I hit 30 and I wanted to do something worthwhile, maybe help someone other than myself.  So here I am, finally reaching one of the millions of goals I have made. No Regrets. 

I am looking forward to doing something different and I am grateful to have the opportunity to do so.

(lovely iphone pic from the flight out here)

A lot of downtime coming my way and this will be the second and a half time reading Writing Down The Bones.  I will just say this much, if you crave any sort of creative outlet or like journaling  read this book... It will change your life, it had changed mine.  I look forward to reading it again and remembering the things that inspire me. 

Hopefully I will be able to blog while I am there!  Keep your fingers crossed.

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