Friday, December 3, 2010

Advil and dogs don't mix.

Wednesday afternoon Max thought it would be a good idea to chew open a bottle of ibuporfin.  I wasn't sure how many he had eaten and at the time he seemed fine so I didn't think much of it until later that night when his insides fell outside.  Luckily there is a 24 hour vet a few blocks from me so I brought the poor dude in a 3 am.  They prepared me for the worst so I thought I might not ever be bringing him home.  Luckily he has been doing better, I went for a visit today and he seemed comfortable and sleepy.  If things keep going as they are I will be able to bring him home tomorrow.


Becks said...

Oh no! I hope he starts feeling better!! I remember when my cat had Urinary Blocks and I had to decide whether I was going to put him down or pay for a costly surgery. It was the most horrific thing anyone could have asked me. Of course I went with the costly surgeries. I hope Max feels back to his normal puppy self soon!

Capree said...

Oh no!! Poor pup. I hope you get to bring him home soon..!

Mike Kemp said...

How did things turn out Jessica. Max is such a cool dog, I hope he gets better. Still think he is deprived because he doesn't get to go duck hunting...just sayin'

Nicole McArthur said...

Labs are notorious for eating all sorts of fun things... I would say the one that ate an entire sheet of pot brownies has to be the best one I have seen yet.
I hope that Max is doing well, kidneys, GI mucosa and all. Please keep us updated!

Sarah Hunter said...

Poor puppy! I hope he is feeling better!.... I know how much you love the big guy.

Anonymous said...

I hope your little man is feeling better. That must have been very difficult!