Monday, November 17, 2008

I was "laid off" this morning.

I am going to be okay. On to new adventures, a open path of possibilities. I've been cut down but now I can grow as a new person.


Michael said...

i miss you!

Sarah said...

All the very best, looking forward to seeing you grow to new heights. Love always

Amy said...

Oh man jess that blows! I will keep my eyes open for you, and keep you in my prayers.

Meg Ruth said...

I'm so sorry! You're uber talented and I know this won't hold you back.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

You've got the right attitude, Jess. Anybody would be lucky to have you on board. :)

Hayley Anderson Photography said...

I can pack a mean punch... Just let me know if you need me.

I'm sorry that happened. It's unfortunate that sometimes the jerks get ahead in life because they are jerks.

Let me know if you would like to get together anytime soon. I think your group sounds like a great time and I would love, love, love to be a part of it.

Keep your head high, good things will come...

Tan+Charee+Chloe+Tru said...
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Abby Rose said...

ahhh Jess... I am so sorry to hear this news. Yes, I will keep you in my prayers, and keep my ears open for you out here as well.
You truly are so gifted and talented, it is a shame that the company let politics rule over creativity and art. Don't let this experience make you doubt what you are capable of.

But what is so cool about you is your ability to keep positive and see the big picture. I admire you, and love you. Hooray for new opportunities!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Don't stress about the lay-off. I've been through two lay-offs in my life and they've always opened a door to something much bigger and better! Trust me. Your photography is amazing and it's yours to keep and theirs to lose. keep your head up & hope to see you again soon.

Marc Juon

Anonymous said...

JESS! I'm so sorry to hear that. Now you can do something better!! You rock! - aaron oldham

Kory said...
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Breanne King said...

jessica! ever since Eddie told me I was in a horrible mood. I was so sad. Just know that this does not mean that we can stop seeing each other (well not in that way...!) but seriously, please stop by when we're in our home and you are across the street!

LeeRae said...

Jess I love you~~~
I'm sure there is a new adventure waiting for you~
I'll keep you in my prayers~

Miss you~~~~~~~~~

Aaron + Kayti said...

girl. im sorry that work came to this. you are seriously one of THE most talented people that i know, no doubt you will come out on top :)

Kimmy said...

Heavenly Father must have an awesome plan because there is noone like you! Your soul, your kindness, your photography is everything bright and beautiful.